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09 September 2011

Nonfiction with Ms. Flynn

Our group in literacy is responsible for completing an editing checklist. The editing checklist is a way to hold themselves responsible for editing their writing, conferring with me, asking questions about their writing, and to set personal goals. After they independently fill out their editing checklist, they put the sheet in their draft book and place them both into a bin. When I see a draft book in the bin I look through it to ensure they have adequately filled out the sheet and we have a conference together. During the conference we discuss what they are working on, what their goals are for themselves, goals I have for them, and the next steps they are going to be taking in their writing.Right now most of the conferences have been about their nonfiction research and writing. After the conference they receive a new checklist.

The editing goals that we are currently working on are: underlining and correcting high frequency words, circle and correct other misspelled words, correct and add punctuation, and check for capital letters.

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