Elementary Teacher Contact Email

If families need to contact Michelle, Elizabeth, Lindsey, or Brigid and Tiffany please use the following email.

02 December 2010

SCCS Flashback

Did you know....
That Stephens College Children's School has been educating children since 1925? Or that our school used to be a little white house where Hillcrest Hall is now? Or that our very own director, Leslie Willey, used to be an elementary classroom teacher here n the 80's? The older students are discovering all of this and more about the history of SCCS. From now until our big February birthday celebration (more details to come about that later...), the students will be uncovering all of the information they can about our school, dating all the way back to 1925. They will be interviewing former students, teachers, and college students, digging through archives, and researching old newspaper articles featuring our school. Ask your child what they've learned about SCCS's past! Also, if you have any information to share about the history of our school, please let the teachers know!

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