Elementary Teacher Contact Email

If families need to contact Michelle, Elizabeth, Lindsey, or Brigid and Tiffany please use the following email.

04 May 2010

Parent Group Officer Election

To get the newly revitalized SCCS Parent Group off to a good start for the next school year we’re asking for volunteers who would be interested in being officers. We will then hold an election open to all parents to select the following positions with one year terms.

1. Two co-chairs
- The co-chairs would jointly lead the group
- one person with a child in preschool
- one person with a child in multiage
2. Secretary
- Responsible for taking notes from meetings.
3. Treasurer
- Responsible for keeping an accurate balance of the money in the SCCS Parent Group
4. Room Parent
- One from each classroom in preschool* and two from multiage
- Serves as representative of the class
- Help get volunteers for various events and committees
*With the changes expected in the preschool over the summer this concept might have to be revised. We’ll see!

If you’re interested in running for one of these positions, please e-mail Jeanne Sullivan at Jeanne@more.net by Monday, May 10. Also, you’re welcome to include a short paragraph about yourself including your kid(s) and which room they’re in. There will be a meeting scheduled after school ends for the new officers to get together and discuss next steps.

Ballots will be sent home to all parents and will be collected by Sue in the office. If she is not available there will be an envelope clearly marked on her desk for the ballots. There will also be an opportunity to vote at a soon to be announced school picnic! New officers will be announced by May 27.

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