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If families need to contact Michelle, Elizabeth, Lindsey, or Brigid and Tiffany please use the following email.

13 October 2010

An Afternoon of Inquiry about Animals

Our new topic of study in the afternoons is the world of animals. This topic is relevant to people for many reasons as animals are an integral part of the world we live in. Not only are animals fascinating, they are essential to our planet. Students will be investigating an "enduring question" throughout this inquiry project to gain a deeper understanding about animals. Our enduring question is...

Yesterday, we posed this question to the class. Students worked in small group to think of the answer to this question. We were blown away by their thinking.

Next students, worked in groups to research animals. They perused books and took notes on animal's habitats and characteristics.

To wrap up our day, students posted animals on the map to show how animals an integral all over the world.

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