Elementary Teacher Contact Email

If families need to contact Michelle, Elizabeth, Lindsey, or Brigid and Tiffany please use the following email.

26 May 2011

Goodbye 5th Graders

Yesterday was our 5th grade graduation. Through all the storms we were able to have our celebration and say our goodbyes. Below is a video of the three graduates. Enjoy!

25 May 2011

Field Day 2011

Making Salad and Planting Seeds With CCUA!

Monday was our last day with CCUA for the year. To wrap everything up, the students planted seeds in our garden. Also, the students made (and ate!) a delicious salad with ingredients grown right in our garden and CCUA's!

Learning the difference between clay and compost!

Having too much fun with the mud



Master Chef Olivia shredding carrots for the salad

Salad ingredients!


19 May 2011

A Visit from Former Students

Phillip and Joshua, former students of SCCS, paid us a special visit today! They just finished their sixth grade year in New Franklin and will be entering seventh grade next year. They played music for us, shared their experiences transitioning to public school, and answered our students' questions about middle school life. The boys even shared some of their favorite books with us. They love books like The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, and The 39 Clues. Our students got a chance to browse many of these books and hear all about Phillip and Joshua's passions for reading and music!

A Day at the Park