This week in Social Studies we have been continuing our study of freedom. We've been asking, "What does it mean to be free?" and "What makes our freedom possible?" On Monday we read The Flag We Love by Pam Munoz Ryan and discussed how the American flag is a symbol of many things: patriotism, freedom, individuality, unity, etc. The last line of the book says, "When you see the American flag, remember that it does not represent one cause, but many causes; that it does not represent on person, but many people; and that it does not represent on ideal, but many of America's hopes and dreams."
After our discussion we made our own class flag. Each student drew a design to represent what is important to them as an individual. Then, the class shared ideas for what symbol would best represent our school. Ms. Howle drew a symbol based on several of these ideas: An apple to symbolize knowledge, a book to symbolize learning, children to symbolize students, and stars to symbolize Stephens College. Our school flag represents each student as well as the class as a whole.
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