Elementary Teacher Contact Email

If families need to contact Michelle, Elizabeth, Lindsey, or Brigid and Tiffany please use the following email.

29 April 2010

Bike, Walk, and Wheel Week

Support our community by participating in BWW Week May 1st-May 8th! We will be sending registration forms home Friday, April 30th.

Feel free to join us Friday, May 6th at 7:30 am at Multiage when we bike, walk, and/or wheel up to the station as a school to enjoy some yummy breakfast provided by WELLAWARE.

You can also check out the website to register or get more information in ways to get involved with the community at www.getaboutcolumbia.com.

Get Ready for a New Study!

Next week, we will be starting a new topic....Plants and Seeds. We have many experiments that involve dissections, planting, and graphing observations. We are asking for donations to help us continue our study of plants. If families are interested we are asking for: seeds, live plants to dissect, grass seed, and anything else you think that may support our study.

27 April 2010


We are so excited to introduce small personal laptops to our classroom. In Literacy today Alex and Manny both used them for publishing. This will allow more students to practice their computer skills at once.

21 April 2010

Working with College Students...

We are so excited to have college students in our classroom teaching their CLUSTER topics! Juniors in the education department work all semester long developing a unit plan (or Cluster) that integrates all subject areas. Multiage will be working with the college student teachers for a total of two full weeks. The students were divided into eleven different groups and randomly placed into topics of study. Here are a few photos of their progress so far:

Destination Vacation-Miss Bridget
Rachel E.
Colin M.

Community Service Projects-Miss Laura S.
Jack S.

Renewable Energy-Miss Laura R.
Thomas Sam.
Ethan Y.

Healthy Bodies-Miss Jennifer
Rachel G.

Olympics- Miss Amanda

Wild, Wild West- Miss Allison

Island Countries- Miss Sam

Mythology- Miss Tiffany

Prehistoric Time Periods- Miss Brigid
Thomas Sch.

Self-Esteem- Miss Tae’lor
Collin R.

Rivers- Miss Amber
Ethan M.

K-1 Showcase!

Miles & Lilly

Joey & Olivia

Natalie & Kaitlyn

Thomas Sam. & Paris

Rachel E. & Collin R.

Chase & Savannah

Konnar, Lexi & Rachel G.

Samantha & Jeannie

Jackson & Thomas Sch.

Ethan M.

14 April 2010

Midnight Visits Multiage

Savannah brought her cat, Midnight, to visit our class during her All About Me presentation. Midnight is so incredibly relaxed and laid back, he allowed all 36 students to pass him around to pet him. All the students loved getting to know about Midnight, (and his wonderful owner, Savannah)!

Inventions: The Culmination

For the past week, students have worked in small groups of 4-5 to create, design, and develop an invention of their very own. They worked together to draw blueprints, come up with a name, a jingle for an advertisement, and actually build their invention or a model of it. On Tuesday afternoon, students presented their final product and displayed their work in the office hallway. We welcome everyone to come through to see the inventions that are displayed this week.

08 April 2010

New Release Day!

Students shared poems, stories, and wordless books.


Returning back to school after spring break, students have started a new inquiry project into INVENTIONS!! The students are so excited and have come up with some creative ideas. Groups worked together to develop an idea, blueprint, materials list, jingle. Students are working towards building their own.


Students have moved into a new topic...Measurement. They have been discovering all the different ways to measure using a variety of tools. The students have been focusing on non-standard measurement and plan to explore more next week! Check out some of the photos of students using measurement tools!