Today our class put their estimation skills to the test. First, we divided the students into multi-age groups. Then, each group estimated how many gumballs they could collect from the playground in 5 minutes. Ready...Set...GO!

After time was up, the students met back with their groups to begin counting their gumballs. Each group had to work as a team to figure out the most effective strategy for counting such a large number of objects.
Here are each team's estimation and their final number:
Doggie Kitty Mousie - Guess: 100, Final: 564
Pizzeria - Guess: 60, Final: 850
Spicy Kitty Nachos - Guess: 110, Final: 1, 099
The Weirdos - Guess: 200, Final: 740
Leprechans- Guess: 99, Final: 390
Hundred Puppies - Guess: 90 , Final: 687
Tigers - Guess: 90 , Final: 300
Guess: 749
Final: 4,630
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