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If families need to contact Michelle, Elizabeth, Lindsey, or Brigid and Tiffany please use the following email.

14 April 2011

Gumball Math

Today our class put their estimation skills to the test. First, we divided the students into multi-age groups. Then, each group estimated how many gumballs they could collect from the playground in 5 minutes. Ready...Set...GO!

After time was up, the students met back with their groups to begin counting their gumballs. Each group had to work as a team to figure out the most effective strategy for counting such a large number of objects.

Here are each team's estimation and their final number:


Doggie Kitty Mousie - Guess: 100, Final: 564

Pizzeria - Guess: 60, Final: 850

Spicy Kitty Nachos - Guess: 110, Final: 1, 099

The Weirdos - Guess: 200, Final: 740

Leprechans- Guess: 99, Final: 390

Hundred Puppies - Guess: 90 , Final: 687

Tigers - Guess: 90 , Final: 300


Guess: 749

Final: 4,630

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