Elementary Teacher Contact Email

If families need to contact Michelle, Elizabeth, Lindsey, or Brigid and Tiffany please use the following email.

27 January 2011

What is something that happened long ago?

This week the younger students interviewed each other about their knowledge of history. The interview questions were 1. What is something that happened long ago? and 2. Who is someone that lived long ago? The answers they came up with ranged from the Great Pyramid to the building of the Statue of Liberty and from Cleopatra to my Grandma and Grandpa. Next week the older students will have an opportunity to share their knowledge. The younger students went through all of their answers to the interview questions and decided what was important enough to put on a historical timeline. History can be a very hard concept for young children to grasp so, first we have asked them to construct their own personal timeline in order to help them understand what has happened "in the past". They will be constructing their timelines as homework this weekend and will bring them back to share on Monday. A letter describing the assignment will be included in the younger students' Friday Folders tomorrow, so be on the lookout!

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