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31 August 2010

Writer's Notebooks

"A writer's notebook gives you a place to live like a writer, not just in school during writing time, but wherever you are, at any time of day." - Ralph Fletcher

Today, the older students received their own writer's notebooks. After reading the first chapter from "A Writer's Notebook" by Ralph Fletcher, student were excited to pick out their very notebook.

Students will use these notebooks to get ideas for their writing projects. We discussed how getting ideas is the beginning of the entire writing process.

Students are able to take their writer's notebooks with them wherever they go: the playground, home, to sports practice, in the car, on vacation, etc. A writer's notebook is a place to sketch, keep lists of ideas, collect pictures or artifacts, brainstorm, collect quotes, or anything else that is a seed for a writing idea.

We are excited to see our writer's notebooks help us develop our writing and live like writers, inside and outside of school.

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