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24 May 2010

We Love Science!

We had a blast learning with Dr. Alan James, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Science at Columbia College (and Alec & Natalie's Dad!). Dr. James conducted several science experiments including electrifying a pickle! We talked about liquid nitrogen-nitrogen that is cold enough to exist in liquid form. Here are a few facts we learned and information about handling liquid nitrogen safely:

Liquid Nitrogen Facts
  • At normal pressure, liquid nitrogen boils at 77 K (−195.8°C or −320.4°F).
  • The liquid to gas expansion ratio of nitrogen is 1:694, which means liquid nitrogen boils to fill a volume with nitrogen gas very quickly.
  • Nitrogen is non-toxic, odorless, and colorless. It is relatively inert. It is not flammable.
  • Nitrogen gas is slightly lighter than air once it reaches room temperature. It is slightly soluble in water.

Liquid Nitrogen Safety

  • Liquid nitrogen is cold enough to cause severe frostbite upon contact with living tissue.
  • Wear proper safety gear when handling liquid nitrogen to prevent contact or inhalation of extremely cold vapor. Make sure exposed skin surfaces are covered and preferably insulated.

We'd like to send a big thanks to Dr. James!

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