Elementary Teacher Contact Email

If families need to contact Michelle, Elizabeth, Lindsey, or Brigid and Tiffany please use the following email.

28 January 2010


Mrs. Watson: We focused on subtraction by playing Bingo, Challenge, and Snap It. I will be sending home activities to help your child in this area. Here is the website we used this week when working on the computers: Funschool.kaboose.com

Miss Watkins: We focused on counting and grouping through a student-led investigation into how many beans a large container held. The students each filled a bowl with beans and counted. We explored counting by twos and organizing the beans into groups of ten.

Miss Riley: We focused on rhythm patterns that students created by making their own symbols that match a movement. Then student's wrote their symbols on the board while the class acted out the patterns. The last part of the week we moved into graphs. We discussed different ways to graph, survey questions, and questions to analyze our graphs. We talked about how important analyzing questions are to understanding graphs. Next week, we will be working on word problems.

Mrs. Johnson: We spent this week wrapping up our study on fractions, decimals, and percents. Students worked on clock fractions and well use using fractions in music. The students wrote their own rhythms and songs utilizing whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, and sixteenth notes. Ask your student to play their songs for you! Next week, we will begin a study in statistics and data collection.

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