29 September 2011
Weather Showcase
26 September 2011
Independent Inquiry
The Pi Song SIng Along!
The Pi Song by Katherine Rollins
(Sing to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus”)
The wheels on the bus are measured with pi, Measured with pi, Measured with pi, The circumference of the wheels are measured with pi, Pi times diameter.
The area of the wheels are measured with pi, Measured with pi, Measured with pi, The area of the wheels are measured with pi, Pi times radius squared.
The driver on the bus says “Three-point-one-four”, Three-point-one-four, Three-point-one-four,
The driver on the bus says “Three-point-one-four”, That’s the number of pi.
Reader's Theater
Today in Ms. Flynn's literacy group (Nicole, Reece, Alex, Manny, Alec, Ben, Molly, and Jeannie) we started reader's theater. We did part one of Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief. We discussed how reader's theater is a great way to work together, memorize lines, read aloud, and read with expression. We will be continuing to do reader's theater every week with all different kinds of scripts.

We made volcanoes in Ms. Flynn's science group (Manny, Alex, Alec, Reece, Nicole, Ben, Molly, and guest visitor Isabel). We decided to make smaller volcanoes so that everyone got to contribute more to making one and we had more to explode. We worked in groups of two to build the volcanoes. We also took this time as an opportunity to talk about the scientific method.
Angles-Angles- and more Angles



Mrs. Clifton's Literacy Group
Below is a picture of a preschooler who felt inspired to read his own writing piece to us after we read to him.

23 September 2011
22 September 2011
Do You Know Steve Jenkins?
Our youngest writers have been learning about Steve Jenkins. He is a writer and an illustrator! This in turn, has inspired beautiful illustrations followed by wonderful stories! The students started their study by reading as many books as we could find written by Steve Jenkins. Then they found his website to watch how he creates his illustrations.
He starts by drawing his pictures and then fills in the pictures using fabric, paper with texture, or anything that would look like the real animal.

There will be more to come!
21 September 2011
Enjoying the Beautiful Weather!
20 September 2011
Independet Inquiry this Week
19 September 2011
Non-fiction Wrap Up
Ms. Flynn's group is coming to an end with non-fiction. The kids are working on editing and publishing their non-fiction pieces. We have many different topics that range from dolphins and manatees to pizza and salsa. Everyone is choosing different ways to publish that are as different as the topics chosen: newspaper articles, diaries, through a mask, and more! I cannot wait to read the finished pieces.
What else is going on in literacy?
Spelling: Each student in Ms. Flynn's literacy group received a list of 1200 High Frequency Writing Words. As I go through the list with each child, I highlight the words they spell correctly and circle the words they misspell. After 4 misspelled words have occurred, we create their list with those 4 words. They find the definition of the word, write the word in a sentence and have a peer-given pretest before I retest them. This process is repeated every week
Book Club: We currently have three different book clubs: Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen, Dogsong by Gary Paulsen, and Regarding the Fountain by Kate Klise. Each group is responsible for one reading per week and a discussion. The discussions are currently happening on Wednesdays. Right now, we have decided to keep book club books at school so they are not forgotten at home. If a student is falling behind, we will reconsider.
Editing Checklist: The students are still required to be working on their editing checklist for their writing. In just the first few weeks of school, there has already been tremendous growth! Even though this is a new expectation, it is exciting to watch the kids grow in their writing through their editing.
Natural Disasters Have Hit Ms. Flynn's Science Group!
Ms. Flynn's science group has moved onto Natural Disasters. Each child has chosen a natural disaster to research. They began by choosing a natural disaster and developing questions to research. Questions are expected to change as more knowledge is gained through research. Manny is researching cyclones and within the first five minutes of being on the computer he was excited to share, "Cyclones happen by the ocean in the area around the equator, we learned about the equator during our climate study!" Later this week, we are planning to create a group volcano!
Area is Taking Over!
Geometry with Ms. Flynn has been all about area. We have been looking at area of squares, regular and irregular rectangles, and triangles. We have been doing interactive smart board lessons that the kids have enjoyed. We have done work with Geo-boards. The Geo-boards have given the kids a chance to visually see where area is coming from. Later this week we are moving into area of a circles and volume of 3-D shapes.
You can help your child at home by working on basic multiplication and division facts.
Computers, Area and Perimeter, and Mrs. Clifton's Math Group
Helllooo Punctuation Study!
Mrs. Clifton's literacy group began a new study into Punctuation! We read a book titled, There Are Cats In This Book. We read the book during first focus lesson. During second focus lesson we gathered together to chart our noticings. Students found the author had used question marks, periods, exclamation points, and ellipsis. (Thanks Chase for telling us the name! We were all impressed you knew the name of these infamous ... (dot, dot,dot). We also noticed the author used talk bubbles, had a cover over the cover to hide the cats, and that the story started before the title page. Last, we wondered what P.S. means.